











不僅如此,在國外工作期間,葉裁參加過許多世界各國知名攝影家的工作坊,包括發明分區曝光系統(zone system)的黑白攝影名家安瑟・亞當斯(Ansel Adams, 1909-1984)、長期拍攝北海道美瑛與富良野的風景攝影家前田真三(Shinzo Maeda, 1922-1998),以及出版《決定性的瞬間(The Decisive Moment)》而牽動世界攝影走向的亨利·卡蒂爾-布列松(Henri Cartier–Bresson, 1908–2004)。葉裁與這些知名攝影家曾有過珍貴的交流經驗(注2),不論在技術上與攝影觀的見聞歷練,在同時期的台灣攝影家當中,可以說是相當難得而獨特。

























注1 吳嘉寶(1993)〈台灣攝影簡史〉視丘文化評論。

注2 2022年8月31日,筆者於葉裁北埔住處進行訪問時的談話內容。



刊登網址: https://artemperor.tw/focus/5505


A Seeker Steadfast on the Path of Photography

Peng-Hui Hou|D.Art from Nihon University Graduate School of Art

Born in the Bajian Hakka settlement in the Erhlin Township of Changhua County in 1946, Cai Ye has enjoyed a unique life history and photographic career. As a photographer, he has taken many treasured documentary images of Taiwan’s countryside.

Inspiring First Encounter with Photography: Sang-Hsi Cheng

In his early encounters with photography, the young Cai Ye was introduced to Taiwanese photographer Sang-Hsi Cheng, who remained a memorable inspiration and source of encouragement throughout his life. In addition to the professional guidance and mentoring on aspects of photography from Mr. Cheng, Cai Ye also read many professional books on photography at his instructor’s home, which greatly expanded Cai Ye’s imagination on the artistic expression of photography.

Jia-Bao Wu, a researcher on Taiwan’s photographic education, once located Sang-Hsi Cheng within Taiwan’s photographic history as a photographer who bridged the first generation (those who studied photography in Japan or China, including Tsai Chang, Ming-Tiao Lee, Nan-Guang Deng, etc.) and the second generation (represented by the Visual-10 Group of the 1970s) of Taiwanese photographers. (Note 1).


Compared with the previous generation, who moved toward aesthetically-pleasing compositions and painterly settings in photographic salons, the style of Sang-Hsi Cheng’s images retained a documentary tone while emphasizing the relationship of visual resonance between different elements within the image. Sang-Hsi Cheng eschewed the deliberate aesthetics of mainstream salon photography and tended instead toward capturing and documenting natural expressions and conditions in people’s lives as his photographic emphasis. Cai Ye’s prolific cultural and landscape photographs taken in the Hsinchu region from the 1960s to the 1970s reveal the profound influence of Cheng’s photographic concepts on his work during that period.


Not only did Sang-Hsi Cheng’s knowledge of photography inform his own creative expression, he also actively mentored many emerging photographers. He played a pivotal role in the development of Taiwanese photography of that era. Cai Ye’s opportunity to study with Mr. Cheng during this period established an important foundation for the direction of his future path in photography.


The Experience and Impact of International Photographic Work Exchange


In 1975, Cai Ye became a contract photographer for the Eastman Kodak Company the follow year, responsible for photographing countries with historical sites over a century old. During this period, Cai Ye gained practical experiences in photography, and observed firsthand the diverse urban and cultural vistas in different countries.


Furthermore, during his time working abroad, Cai Ye participated in workshops lead by world-renowned photographers, including Ansel Adams (1090-1984), the famed black-and-white photographer who developed the zone system; and Shinzo Maeda (1922-1998), most notable for his landscape photographs of Biei and Furano in Hokkaido; as well as Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) whose book “The Decisive Moment” changed the course of photography on a global scale. In terms of both technical expertise and photographic perspectives, Cai Ye’s invaluable experiences of exchange with these renowned photographers (Note 2) was unique and rare among his contemporaries in Taiwan’s photography circles.


The wealth of cumulative experiences during this period reenforced Cai Ye’s unwavering steps on the path of photography. From his professional commitment to personally entering the darkroom to produce the details in his black-and-white photographs, to his pursuit of rich and detailed views of landscapes through extended intensive shooting at a designated location, as well as in his emphasis on visual elements achieving mutual harmony and order in his street photography – each bear similarities with the photographers mentioned above. However, Cai Ye has further amalgamated these characteristics to create a unique photography style of his own.


Upon leaving the Eastman Kodak Company in 1984, Cai Ye returned to Taiwan and settled in Emei, Hsinchu after getting married. Though Taiwanese photography during this period underwent a movement toward reportage photography with a local emphasis, Cai Ye was not influenced by these external trends in photography, but instead returned to his original intentions. He continued to persist in his own photography path by further delving into capturing images of the countryside of Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli. His years of experience in photography set him apart from other photographers in both the quality and quantity of his images. In the developmental history of Taiwanese photography, there remain images that await further exploration or possible interpretation through a contemporary perspective, which impart a particular significance to the publication of this book.


Photographic works that require frequent movement over extended periods of time often present a higher degree of difficulty than that of photographers who work in their own locality or hometowns. Cai Ye’s long-term photographic focus on the pastoral panoramas surrounding Beipu perhaps initially began from his childhood memories, then shifted to long-term photography after he moved away, and gradually transformed into a self-regard and irreplaceable image reality experiment that could not be easily achieved with an ordinary level of motivation or mere resolve.


Furthermore, Cai Ye has continued to produce his photographs in a self-built darkroom in his home. In that 8 to 10 square meters of space, there are self-modified enlargers; a long, narrow work bench on which developing trays fit perfectly; and a small bed and canvas wardrobe – these form an integrated space of darkroom-cum-minimalist bedroom. The average photographer will have a difficult time imagining a lifetime of darkroom work in such a darkroom. Even in such an extreme environment, Cai Ye’s state of mind remains free and unfettered in his lifelong practice, with photography as his companion.


A Photographic Arrangement of Visualized Images


Cai Ye’s style of snapshot-based photography creates images rich with story. A single photograph yields a wealth of interpretable content. The images reveal a robust sense of rural life within the ordinary, and without exaggerated perspectives. There is a balance between the country vistas, festival rites, human figures, events and objects, in the capture of images that also embody characteristics unique to the Hakka communities of Hsinchu and Beipu. Rather than editorialize as a chronical or catalogue, this book of photography can be regarded as an independent work that construct a visual narrative of the larger era by organizing the numerous images through contemporary editorial methods.


The images collected in this photo anthology include Cai Ye’s work before his stint abroad (including some photographs shot in Taiwan on temporary visits home), and after his return, each comprising approximately half of the contents. Among these, 40 percent are images from the 1960s and 1970s, giving the book a nostalgic tone. Broadly viewed, there is a sense of temporal flow in the book; while on closer inspection, the arrangement is not strictly chronological; rather, there is an emphasis on the contextual relationship of the visual images that enable an experience of an integrated whole. This is the unique presentation of historical images as realized by this book.


From misty mountain landscapes, to forays into hillside towns -- views of the simple rural life is revealed in the moments of diligent harvest as well as in moments of respite and conversation. These are interspersed with unique local scenes and bygone customs such as pit kilns, stage performances, and roadside stalls; or with religious events such as qianggu (grappling with ghosts), the King’s Boat Burning Festival, and Mazu; as well as with scenes from annual indigenous celebrations. The wealth of images interface with scenes from the lives of Taiwan’s various ethnicities. There are also images of transportation arteries that connect with points afar, such as pontoon bridges, and railroads. The panoramic shots capture the trajectories of people living in these environments; when alternated with closeups of people, objects, and landscapes, a meandering sense of flowing time is constructed. The occasional travel through time and space, with jump cuts to the expressions of children playing beneath an openair stage, seems to connect the cumulative mood and atmosphere of the past and present.  


The imagery of water is an important visual among the images that interweave various categories, times, and spaces. In addition to rivers, streams, and costal landscapes, there are also photographs of laundry ditches, shrimp fishing, drift wood, and figures on the embankment – fully expressing the lives of people who live alongside bodies of water. The final image in the book depicts Emei Creek, with the broad expanse of the river channel in the foreground extending toward the view of distant mountains. The grandeur that also retains detailed expression allows the rich imagery of pulsing waters to converge through to the very last, condensing and coalescing as they flow toward the distance.


Luminous Landscapes continues to delve deep into the images of the countryside, while repeatedly pivoting between eras. Traditional images are transformed through contemporary editorial methodology and imbued with a renewed possibility of learning about and experiencing the charms of Cai Ye’s images.


Cai Ye has always focused on the pursuit of his own creative world. The temporal span of his extended photographic studies, and the transitions in the conditions in the lives of the community that they reveal, are all preserved within his photographic works. They are meaningful both as expressions of personal artistic practice and as records of the history of Taiwan’s development.


Cai Ye’s images have added a persistent and profound perspective to the development of photography in Taiwan, as well as the experience of a life of photography that actualizes the classical in images and insists on a path of one’s own. Among the plethora of photographic techniques and proliferation of creative works today, his images continue to embody a profound and enduring refined style, as though a moment crystalized in the past that refracts into the present, where it lingers in fine strands, endlessly evocative.


Note 1: Jia-Bao Wu (1993), “A Brief History of Taiwanese Photography,” Fotosoft Cultural Review.

Note 2: As discussed during an interview conducted with Cai Ye at his residence in Beipu on August 31, 2022.

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